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About Me

Hello! My name is David Strout and I love to make things. I am a passionate maker, and have always enjoyed the creativity, utility, and beauty that building my own things can provide. There is something incredibly tactile and satisfying about working with my hands, whether I'm making a table, CNC sculpture, 3D printed component, or lasercut model.

My fascination with this making began in 2011 when I took an interest in turning wooden pens in my father's woodshop. Soon, I became more drawn to the shop as I learned of the endless possibilities that the space offered. I spent a good portion of my free time watching videos of  woodworkers and other makers, gaining new knowledge and building a reservoir of project ideas. Much of my skill is self-taught, and I am always finding new ways to grow as a craftsman.

I am a recent graduate of Brown University (class of '18) where I studied environmental engineering. While being at college meant being away from my father's shop, it didn't come without its advantages. I became heavily involved with the Brown Design Workshop, a student-run makerspace that allowed me to explore all manner of materials and techniques such as 3D printing and laser cutting. I became a Student Monitor in the design workshop and was in charge of leading trainings in woodworking, sheet metal working, machining, soldering, 3D printing, lasercutting, and CAD modelling for Brown students and faculty. I was also responsible for developing new curriculum for the woodworking trainings.

After working for a few years as an engineer, I'm not sure what my next step is, or where my path will take me. All I know is that if I'm making, I'm happy. 


(508) 397-1299

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